Please note well, all you writers, editors, directors out there: when a phone call is terminated by the other person you do not, NOT, hear the buzz of a dial tone. You hear a faint click and then silence, absolute silence, the Great Silence, more eloquent than any electronic buzz could ever be. In fact the dial tone cannot be heard until you yourself hang up and then lift the receiver again. Further note this: you cannot tell from the click if the other person has hung up reluctantly or desperately, softly or violently. It is only the sound of a disconnected circuit. I've read this error in a thousand books, I've seen it in a thousand movies, and how so many of you can be so unobservant, you who call yourselves artists, is beyond me. Ah, my friends, you are becoming my enemies, and I'm appalled by your irreverence for the simple truth that should sustain us all. Hayden Carruth